Wednesday 21 September 2011

Copyright Permission

In the music industry copyright is a huge problem for record labels, if i were to use music that is owned by a label i would have to pay huge sums of money for the right to play it. Because of this and the faxt we were using a song by Blink 182 owned by a record label we had to inform them of our intention to use their music.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

Lyric Analysis Blink 182 - 'Down'

According to the lyricist Tom De Longe, the song is about a boy's desperation to kiss a girl and stop her from leaving as they both sit in a car whilst it rains heavily down (hence the chorus - 'Down, down, down')  the lyrics symbolise strongly the breakdown of a relationship 'This can't be the end'. For our music video we want to show a relationship falling apart as the lyrics are so strong the narrative needs to back up the song emotionally.

Blink 182 - Down Lyrics

The drops of rain they fall all over
This awkward silence makes me crazy
The glow inside burns light upon her
I'll try to kiss you if you let me
(this can't be the end)

Tidal waves they rip right through me
Tears from eyes worn cold and sad
Pick me up now, I need you so bad

Down down down down [x4]
It gets me so
Down down down down [x4]
It gets me so

Your vows of silence fall all over
The look in your eyes makes me crazy
I feel the darkness break upon her
I'll take you over if you let me
(You did this)

Tidal waves they rip right through me
Tears from eyes worn cold and sad
Pick me up now, I need you so bad.

Down down down down [x4]
It gets me so
Down down down down [x4]
It gets me so 


This is a video for the song Down by Blink 182


Today we have made a decision on the song we will using to create a music video...

That song is..

Blink 182 - DOWN.


For our initial ideas we quickly established the genre of song we were aiming at, this was the genre of a pop punk or rock sound. we decided this because its a genre me and my partner Sam are very interested in and have a really good feel for, we also have previous knowledge of the music video's for this genre having listened to music of this type and followed it for so long. We were thinking of bands along the lines of Fall Out Boy, Blink 182, Bowling For Soup, All Time Low etc. This genre of video usually features a rock performance along with a simple narrative structure.

Monday 19 September 2011


The most important aspect of music is the genre. Since the shift in music production there has been a significant blend in genres and music is fast becoming an extension of all types of music combined. we knew from the start we wanted a rock - pop/punk vibe to our song so we looked at all the options we had from this, such as acoustic to heavier rock.

Punk Rock - For the heavier rock style genre (and when i say heavy we never strayed into screamo heavy metal territory) we looked for bands in the pop punk genre that although were upbeat and catchy they were also strong heavy rock songs. This led us to the punk rock sounds of Blink 182..

Pop Punk - for the lighter rock punk style we looked at the genre of pop punk. A newer highely common type of music today, they have catchy hooks and melodys and aren't too heavy as a way of appealing to a wider audience. Bands like Bowling for Soup, All Time Low, Kids In Glass Houses and Fall Out Boy have adopted this genre over the years.

Alternative Rock - this form of rock is less common but is featuring more and more regularly in the industry today. It often blends the sounds of rock music (guitars, drums etc) with piano melodies and an array of various instruments not often associated with the genre. We looked at bands like.. Panic! At The Disco and The Cab.

Acoustic rock - This type of rock is become hugely popular, and it takes the typical lyrical style and melodies of a rock song but strips them back into something small scale and intimate, we looked at artists like Dallas Green who was a member of a heavy rock band but then shifted to an acoustic sound and became City and Color.

Saturday 17 September 2011


For our poster advertisement for the CD...

             Release date
             Where it will be available from
             Photo of artist or band
             Name of CD
             Photo of CD
             Review A cover for it's release on CD...

  • Female/Male
  • Colour
  • Style
  • Song title
  • Possible effects
  • Artist/Group name
  • Album name
  • A inside booklet featuring artwork, song writing credits, messages etc..

Friday 16 September 2011


For our A2 Media Studies practical project, we have chosen to create a music promotional package. In this package we will include a music video accompanied with a CD album cover by the artist and a poster advertising the album release. As this blog grows throughout the course of the year, you will see everything from our initial ideas to our A2 Media Studies practical project, we have chosen to create a music promotional package. In this package we will include a music video accompanied with a CD album cover by the artist and a poster advertising the album release. As this blog grows throughout the course of the year, you will see our initial research, audience research our post-production to research, audience research to our post production leading into our final work. post-production to our final work.