Monday 7 May 2012

Costume Ideas

For the costume we wanted to follow the typical genre conventions as well as the clothes often associated with the band themselves, for this we looked at the some of the clothes worn by Panic! in their music videos..

This is the costume worn in the music video for 'New Perspective' here as they often do they are wearing suits with skinny black ties and Ray Bans sunglasses.
In Our video we will be doing something similar for the performer.

Our Performer will also wear Ray Bans Sunglasses, with a shirt - but will instead wear a bow tie and braces something that Panic! wear on their tours or live appearances on TV.

For Our protagonist in the narrative segment the character will wear a simpler version of this outfit - just a tie and shirt, no sunglasses bow tie or braces. this is to show that he is going to a job interview but also that he is a less exciting character than the performer.

For the puppet character we knew that we had an Alice in Wonderland costume available to us and that we were going to use this to our advantage, as well as this we will use typical horror puppet makeup.


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