Monday, 14 May 2012

EVALUATION 2 What Have You Learnt From Audience Feedback?

Once our music video and our ancillary tasks had been completed we started to focus on gaining some feedback and responses from our target audience.
This was in order to discover if our music video had been successful in its aims to entertain and also if there were any negatives or things we could build on and improve if we were to do the project again. We used social networking sites like Facebook as well as feedback from our video post on YouTube to achieve an immediate response from our audience.

Here we have feedback on our music video that we posted on YouTube, the response we got was hugely positive from all concerned and it was great to hear such praise from our audience. However the audience doesn't have a strong media knowledge, so I asked my drama teacher who works at a film company part time what he thought of our video. He was full of praise and loved our concept but was also helpful in pointing out things we could alter such as the editing of certain shots and just the timings between scenes could be improved. This is something that was discussed to us by our media teacher also so although this version was posted on YouTube we did go back and review the video and re edit some sequences, perfecting and polishing our
previous failings.

Here is our Facebook page we created for our label Pilgrim records where we updated our progress and posted videos in order to generate an audience response

This is an example of some feedback we got from a YouTube viewer, interestingly they pointed out what they would of liked to have seen in the narrative and what they felt could of been improved on if we were to do it again. It's an interesting contrast to the previous feedback about the editing.

During the early stages of the process we had actually used a focus group to generate some ideas as to what sort of narratives were often associated with the rock genre so even after our research we discovered the audience opinion of a narrative is very personal and specific. After seeing this it has made me think that if we were to do this project again perhaps next time I would have questionnaires and focus groups throughout the process, having our target audience guide us whilst we discussed our progress and ideas would be the perfect way of taking the audiences feedback and putting it into immediate practice.

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